Dr.Rajam was the pioneer in the field of Venereology. He was born on 9th January 1893. He had a brilliant academic career and was awarded the coveted Johnstone Gold Medal of Madras Medical College. After a short period in the Army Medical Service, he took up Madras Provincial Medical Service in 1920. He had dedicated his life to Venereology for nearly five decades after acquiring his M.S., and M.R.C.P. (Edin) degrees. His oft-repeated sermon to the staff and students was “Patients should be given human attention wherever they are, either in out patient dept. or in the wards, with special emphasis on prophylaxis and rehabilitation”. This reveals the quality of man and Doctor in him. He was the member of expert committee of W H O on V.D. and Treponematoses for many years. In 1953 he was elected as Fellow of Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh and 1959 as FRCS for his out standing work and contribution to the medical field. He was the founder member of Indian Academy of Medical Sciences. He was the first Dean of Govt. General Hospital and Madras Medical College from 1948 to 1952 and founder Director of the Institute of Venereology from 1952 to 1958.

In recognition of his excellent services rendered to the profession and to the speciality, during Celebrations of his Centenary year in 1993, IASSTD had resolved to conduct an oration in the name viz., “Dr.R.V.Rajam Endowment Oration” which is to be delivered by an eminent speaker, either National or International, at the National Conference of IASSTD every year.

 Dr.R.V.Rajam Endowment Lecture:

Apart from the Oration two other lectures viz., “Dr.R.V.Rajam Endowment Lectures”, by eminent speakers, are conducted annually at various places in India by the Association.

 The following stalwarts have delivered the Oration since its inception:

1993 17th CALCUTTA Dr. Sardarilal
1994 18th CHIDAMBARAM Dr.B.M.S. Bedi
1995 19th CHANDIGARH Dr.G.C. Saha
1996 20th ALLAHABAD Sr.S.K. Hira
1997 21st CHENNAI Dr. Patrick
1998 22nd MUMBAI Dr.S.R. Salunke
1999 23rd VISAKHAPATNAM Dr.K.V. Rama Raju
2000 24th CHANDIGARH Dr.R.V. Ramana Rao
2001 25th JAIPUR Dr.B.S.N. Reddy
2002 26th NEW DELHI Dr.N. Usman
2003 27th VADODARA Dr. Krishna Ray
2004 28th JABALPUR Dr.D. Narayana Reddy
2005 29th KOLKATA Dr. Ratish Basu Roy
2006 30th CHENNAI Mrs. Sujatha Rao
2007 31st RHOTAK Dr. Mukul Sharma
2008 32nd Kodaikanal Dr. Veerapal Chandeying
2009 33rd Khajuraho Dr. G. Samaram
2010 34th Vijayawada Dr.P. Rambabu
2011 35th New Delhi Dr. Chavalit Mangkalaviraj
2012 36th Kochi Dr.V.K. Jain
2013 37th Mysore Maj.Gen. A.K. Jaiswal
2014 38th Chandigarh Dr.(Brig)Sanjeev Vaishampayan
2015 39th Coimbatore Dr. P.N. Sashidharan
2016 40th Bhopal Dr Manju Bala
2017 41st Bhubaneswar Dr. Sanjeev Handa
2018 42nd New Delhi Dr.C.Venkatesan
2019 43rd Kodaikanal Dr.Jayadev Betkeurer
2022 46th Hyderabad Dr. Deepika Pandhi
2023 47th Kolkata Dr. Seema Sood
2024 48th New Delhi Dr. Bhumesh Kumar. K